16 Haziran 2010 Çarşamba

[KO] MultiClient/Unblocker (1830)

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So, there have been now several topics about those apps.
Just to get some feedback how my app works I made this topic.

For me it does not cause any APR or TPT message. My op.system is WinXP 32bit, it also worked on Vista 32bit. And of course, both machines with administrator privileges.


Enabled= 1 // Set to 0 to turn off multi-clienting, otherwise to 1
UseCustomName= 1 // Set to 1 to rename KO window after CustomName, Enabled has to be 1 too
CustomName= "My Knight OnLine" // If this is set to "", then console asks for window name
Search= 1 // Set to 1 to turn on automatic search for KO_WNDADDR
KO_WNDADDR= 0x00A56F04
KO_WNDNAME= "Knight OnLine Client"
KO_DIRPATH= "C:/GamersFirst/KnightOnline/"
KO_EXENAME= "KnightOnLine.exe"
KO_ARGNAME= "USA_KnightOnLine"

Additional information:
- If you hear a beep, then there's a certain error. Better close the game and try again.
- Sometimes it might not work right on the first time, you'll get APR error on game launch and game crashes. Could work on next try...

Now I can proceed with the bot.
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